what is
Rebirthing is a holistic, intuitive, integrative breathing technique developed by Leonard Orr in 1974 in the USA.
Some examples of Rebirthing are birth trauma, childhood trauma, parental disapproval, school trauma, physical symptoms, etc.
The mind and the breath are the king and queen of human consciousness
The breathing technique has proven to be effective when it comes to find access to old memories. Before our brain was fully developed, memories as physical emotions were registered and stored in different cells of our body.
These very early memories are inaccessible to our minds because they have not been imprinted into the brain, but only on the specific body parts that were involved in the original experience. Every thought and every feeling represents a form of energy and can be reactivated and experienced by breathing.
This stimulation is achieved through circular breathing in complete relaxation. It allows the blocked memories to come back to the surface. Such blocked memories are linked to events that for some reason could not be processed and integrated. They were suppressed into the subconsciousness and can be finally integrated and accepted through this breathing technique so that they no longer hinder the full expression of life.
Fill your body with deep breaths and it will fill you with peace

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